Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Experiment 2 submission

Angled overview shot of the entire structure. This "Bridge" connects to the Square House, Round House and the gym.
Staircase leading to the roundhouse. The middle is lined up with flowers as a way to promote and accept the natural world. The custom texture is placed on the stairs as a means to act as a transition between the party life of the roundhouse and the studious life of a student, as the staircase leads to the library. The flowers also act as a signal to highlight the changing environment.
This is a photo of the balcony outside the entrance of the library, overlooking the roundhouse. The custom textures on the floor promote the transition from one environment to the other, as explained before. The custom textures have also been added to the canopy above the benches. This area serves a variety of purposes, whether to study with mates, admire the view of the campus landscape or just resting.
This is a photo of the courtyard platform that connects to the squarehouse. Here the main points of interests are the sand sculpture, the moving garden and the organic canopy.
Here is the gallery space for students to present their architecture models. The models are to rise up from the display case in a similar manner to how plants in nature rise to acquire sunlight.
This is a photo of the tunnel connecting the building to the campus gym. The custom texture on top surface of the tunnel signifies the rough transition from a learning environment to a physical one.
 This is a study area for students to relax and catch up on their lectures. Specifically placed within the staircase, a platform for movement, to signify that both activities complement one another.
View from library overlooking the racecourse and beyond.

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